Integrated payments to boost your business

Enhance your booking system with our flexible integrated payment service. Request payment before, after or during bookings, whichever suits your business needs.

Confirm your booking
A confirmation email will be sent to:
[email protected]
Cheek Filler
10th March 2025
10:00 - 10:30 (30 minutes)
123 Main Street, Anytown, Ayreshire, AB1 2CD

Payment details

Billing name
Billing email
Billing postcode
Total Service Cost
Amount to Pay Today
1234 1234 1234 1234
Active deposit
Active price
Active from
23rd January 2025 at 18:33
Active to
No end date

Accept online full, partial or future payments

Choose how your users pay: whether it's a deposit, the full amount upfront, or if you want to give them the convenience of paying later. Enhance their experience and reduce no shows with our versatile payment options.

Payment management

Efficiently manage payments for your bookings with a streamlined process that keeps everything in one place. Easily track what’s been paid, record payments made by cash, bank transfer, or card, or even send a payment link to request the remaining balance. With these tools, you’ll have a clear view of what is owed for each booking, making it simple to stay on top of your finances and ensure timely payments.

Manage payments and refunds associated with a booking
Currently paid:
Service cost:
Left to pay:
Time Method Amount Refunded
13th February 2025 13:00 integrated £50.00 £0.00
14th February 2025 16:30 bank transfer £50.00 N/A
Authorised by:Daniel Higham

Fully customisable

Say goodbye to boring, mismatched payment pages. Easily customise our payment element allowing you to maintain consistent branding by choosing from a range of premade themes, applying custom CSS, or using our no-code editor. Choose the look and feel that best represents your brand.

Payment details

Billing name
Billing email
Billing postcode
Total Service Cost
Amount to Pay Today
1234 1234 1234 1234
Custom options
Background color
Main font
Primary color
Background color
Text color
Text weight
Billing details
Text color
Text weight
Easily adjust visual elements like colors, fonts, and sizes using our no-code style editor. You can also fine-tune details like the roundness of your elements. This is only a preview of whats available inside, there are even more options allowing you to change things like shadows, spacing, the way buttons change when you hover over them, and what happens when they're clicked.

Pretty much every single element on your page, whether it's a button, input box, input label, optional label, text blocks can be styled independently.

If you’re not design-inclined or don’t want to start from scratch, we've got you covered. You can choose from a variety of pre-designed themes. Just click to select one that fits your style, and then customize it to make it uniquely yours.

Pricing history

Easily track the history of your service prices and make informed decisions. View previous pricing data and set new prices to take effect immediately or at a future date, ensuring flexibility and strategic planning for your business.

Manage prices
View price history and assign new prices for Weight Loss

Flexible coupon management

Create and manage coupons to offer users tailored discounts. Set specific variables to control who can use the coupons, including but not limited to: New customers, returning customers, specific customer, minimum purchase amounts, loyalty based coupons and more.

    £20.00 off
    Save £20 during winter
    Redeemed: 105
    Expires at 28th Feburary 2025 at 23:59
    10% off
    10% Discount off your first order
    Redeemed: 10,005
    Running indefinitely
    15% off
    15% Off during summer
    Redeemed: 900
    Expired on 31st August 2024 at 23:59

Refund management

Our platform offers unmatched flexibility, allowing you to generate refunds for any transaction at any time. Handle multiple refunds per transaction with ease and ensure a smooth experience for both you and your customers.

Manage refunds
Amount refunded:
Total funds:
Refundable balance:
No refunds have been made yet.
Time Amount Authorising user Reason
£4.99 Daniel Higham The item was delivered damaged
Create a refund
You can refund up to £19.99

Effortless tax management

Not only simplify your scheduling and bookings but also never miss a beat when it comes to managing your taxes. Input and track tax amounts on all services and products with ease, and generate comprehensive reports to effortlessly monitor and calculate your tax obligations over any period.

Coming soon.

Rapid deployment

Setup in minutes, not hours

Get started in minutes with our swift onboarding. Input your business type, explore tailored services, and even add your own, get ready to take bookings in minutes.

No credit card required, sign up with a 30 day free trial.